Hari Malaysia 2011: say “ Sorry and thank you” campaign.
Dear Brother and Sister Malaysians,
I need your help to spread this Hari Malaysia message (through twitter, Facebook, blog,email & etc.)
We at zubedy are launching a ‘say sorry and thank you’ campaign as a meaningful way to celebrate September 16 this year.
Our Hari Malaysia advertisement, to be published this Friday the 9th of September, will act as the launch of the campaign leading up to September 16. We have attached it here with this e-mail.
There seems to be a pervasive sense of antagonism amongst our
people today. This campaign seeks to nullify these negative effects, to
call upon our people to choose to be the bigger person, to choose to
say ‘sorry’ for the hurts caused and to appreciate each other for the
sacrifices we have all made.
ask you to join us in spreading the message of this campaign either by
creating your own message following a similar theme, or forward our
message as it is below.
Thank you.
Have a meaningful Hari Malaysia
Let us add value,
Anas Zubedy
I dah lama tak beli paper, news pun baca online (itupun kdg2 missed jugak) so mmg tak jumpa la that campaign yang dipublished oleh zubedy ni.
Pagi tadi nonton Malaysia Hari Ini baru tahu eh ada eh kempen sorry and thank you ni? sape plak zubedy ni?haha=p
Anas zubedy is the founder and Managing Director of Zubedy.
Not really sure about their products and services. Yang i tahu Zubedy ada published some books and one of them is Have A Meaningful Malaysia. Tak pernah lagi jumpa this book dkt bookstore maybe later kena pi check.
owh i'm not going to leter about that Zubedy tapi i suka kempen yang mereka jalankan ni. Sorry & Thank you-Maaf & Terima Kasih.
These two words are very simple but meaningful to us as human.
Binatang pun ada these two added values tapi of course depa cakap sesama depa. haha.
Tapi, kita manusia xpernah pun cakap kat ikan yang kita goreng dan makan " sorry ikan sbb nak makan kamu dan terima kasih sbb bagi saya belahak 3 kali "haha.
Tak pernah kan? masaklah kalau tiap-tiap kali mkn benda hidup nak kena ckp mcm tu. kahkahkah. so the best way for say thank you adalah dgn cara bersyukur.
I'm just realized kalau nak jadi the very humble person in the world,
dua perkataan inilah yang mesti selalu dibawa. Yes, u must!
Kalaulah semua bosses in the world ada value mcm ini, mmg i'll be the one motivated and loyal worker.haha. Tapi, xkeje lg so xtau la bakal boss esok mcm mn rupa gayanya.
Even my SV dulu kdg2 jek boleh dgr dia say sorry kat her student.
Thank you tu ok nasib la ada jugak.haha.
I'm just wonder why we're very easy to say sorry and thank you with other people, but not for our PARENTS
senang kata Ibu & Ayahlah!
time hari raya jek kot baru nak ucap. kan?
Muhasabah diri itu lebih baik. Dari kita sibuk nak mintak maaf dan ucap terima kasih kat orang tapi ibu bapa kita sendiri pun kita malu dan ego nak ucapkan dan agaknya boleh dibilang dgn jari berapa kerat je kita pernah ucapkan nya selama mana kita hidup.
Malu kan jadi diri sendiri?
renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal!=)
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