2013 telah hampir sebulan melabuhkan tirainya. As previous year, January is the month to close our financial home account. Time ni la aku sibuk sikit jadi accountant tak bertauliah. haha. When dealing with financial stuff, it's very important to have an organized system as this will includes segala jenis mak nenek documents, bills dan juga duit! So, i manage to create 3 financial binders. Org lain satu binder pun dah cukup hoi tapi aku sampai 3 haaa.;p. ok, first binder is for utilities bill payment, 2nd is for car loan & service maintenance, 3rd one is for investment & loan.
So, in this entry i will share my first binder: Utilities Bill. This bills actually is our monthly commitment bills yg wajib dibayar setiap bulan seperti Astro, Telcomobiles, Internet, bla..bla..bla..dan termasuk juga duit sewa rumah. In theory, keeping those bills organized seems like an easy talk right? In reality, however, it often proves more difficult if you won't start. haha. But, pepatah melayu kan ada berkata "Alah bisa tegal biasa", "Bersusah-susah dahulu bersenang-senang kemudian", sambung lagi "Melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya" eh eh. haha.;D Aku start bills management ni since masuk rumah skrg yg dah hampir 3 tahun kami duduk. old bills since 2011 pun aku masih keep. Then now what should i said? I'm very love this job!!!!hahaha;p Korang akan rasa benda ni best sampai tahap hari-hari ko nak duduk dlm SOHO menghadap binder-binder ni semua. Seriously!! Kadang2 xde benda nak update pun aku akan duduk dlm SOHO belek-belek file. haha. Crazy.
Ok, let's check what should we have to build up the filing system? My ideas are;
1. Binder/ File.
2. Plastic sheet protector- to put the sheet log
3. Bills payment sheet log - free download printables/ or make your own.
Kalau korg rajin google, file binder dlm blog org putih tu lg complicated. For me to start, these 3 things is enough. Later when you really works and get used with the system, u can upgrade to more cantik-cantik.;) Talking about the bills sheet log tu, is very general. It depends on what kind of data you want to update/write down for every month.
Mcm aku, ada 8 jenis bills [8 ok!!!!byknyaaaa..] so aku divide into 8 bills payment sheet log. Sbgi cth, bill electricity kat bawah ni. Haaa aku tulis la details mengenai bill ni seperti tajuk bills, acc holder, acc number, bill date and etc (and maybe boleh tmbh bill due date juga!).Then i put month, date of payment, amount of payment and also remarks column to jot down the reference number. Since i have good internet provider, so I pay all bills via online banking. Jimat masa, tenaga dan $$$$$. Just pay $0.10 interbank transfer and the rest providers are FREE! Aku akan print bank receipt and as backup i print screen the receipt of payment and save in laptop drive. For bills via mail i will jot down the date of payment and ref no on the hardcopy then punch and keep it in the binder. After make all those payment, update on the sheet log! Mudahkan??? Ke aku yg cerita mcm complicated.hahahaha;p
Sebagai tambahan ngade-ngade, aku buat jugak monthly bill paymnet log which is tujuan sbnr utk memudahkan aku trace total amount utilities every month.
Tambahan ngade2 jugak, hehe.. ialah checklist for utilities bill, credit card and loan payment. haha;p Yang ni aku stick kat dinding je so sng aku nak tick mn yg dah settle for that particular month.
Sebagai tambahan ngade-ngade, aku buat jugak monthly bill paymnet log which is tujuan sbnr utk memudahkan aku trace total amount utilities every month.
Tambahan ngade2 jugak, hehe.. ialah checklist for utilities bill, credit card and loan payment. haha;p Yang ni aku stick kat dinding je so sng aku nak tick mn yg dah settle for that particular month.
Bila-bila aku senang, aku share rupa all my binders k! hari ni aku malas.hehe. Dan kesimpulan utk tahun 2013, my utilities bill berjumlah RM4739.35! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, mcm boleh buat downpayment kereta sebiji. Such a big amount for us yg tinggal di rumah kecil dan hidup masih berdua..nangessssss!!! (<_>)
p/s: Sedang memikiaq mcm mana nak kurangkan utilities bill. Kindly share your thought!=)