Welcome to Kuching!!!
Date/Day | Time | Activities/Places To Go | |
27-Feb-2013/Thu | 5.30 am | Parking in Penang Airport | |
7 -9 am | Flight to Kuching | ||
9-9.30am | Shuttle Pickup to hotel | ||
10.15am-11am | Go to SCV by shuttle hotel | ||
11am-3.15pm | Sarawak Cultural Village | ||
3.15-4pm | Back to Hotel & check in hotel | ||
4-7pm | Rest | ||
7pm | Dinner in Topsot |
Sampai-sampai je di airport kami terus cari shuttle van yg kami dah book awal-awal masa reserve hotel. Hotel charge RM5.99/way/head utk shuttle airport transfer ni. Still cheap compared to taxi. Perjalanan from airport to hotel is about 20 minutes. Untuk 2 malam pertama kami menginap di 360xpress Hotel City Center. Hotel bajet je u all tapi alhamdulillah puas hati dgn service yg diorg sediakan. Korang jgn la expect hotel ni ada kolam renang, gym segala bagai ok, tingkap pun xde, tiap masa pun gelap bagai malam pertama bg kami.kahkahkah.sesuaiii sgt dgn objektif giteww.;p Price per room for only RM102 utk deluxe queen tapi harga tu dah x effective start 1 March 2014. Harga baru mcm kat bawah ni. But still reasonable. Korang boleh do reservation melalui website 360 tapi ms aku check date kami nk stay, deluxe queen dah fully book. Tak puas hati aku call hotel then front desk kata ada je lg bilik kosong utk deluxe queen tu, so terus aku make phone reservation. So better call hotel terus utk dptkan latest price and info about the services sbb yg aku perhati website mcm xberapa nak update.hehe.
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Shuttle van 360xpress hotel |
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360xpress hotel new price!! |
Sampai je di hotel, kami xboleh check in lg sbb standard check in kan pukul 2pm. So, sprti yg dirancangkan dlm itinenary, kami amik shuttle 2nd run ke SCV pukul 10.15am. Service ni pun disediakan oleh hotel 360. Price utk shuttle RM12/way/person. Bayar cash terus kt front desk and keep the receipt sbb nnti driver van yg bawak korang tu nak check. haha. Actually, korang juga boleh beli tiket masuk SCV dari hotel. Tapi kami memilih utk beli disana je sbb harga sama xde beza pun. See..baguskan mcm2 service diorg sediakan. So, main activity kami pada hari itu adalah mengenal kaum di Sarawak!heee..;) Oh yee, luggage semua tu korang boleh tinggal dekat front desk hotel. Bagitau je receptionist kat situ nnti diorg tolong jagakan. Don't worry org Sarawak baik-baik tau.. I likeeeeeeeeee~~ Sambil-sambil tunggu shuttle mai dtg, kami rehat-rehat je kat lobi hotel sambil ber wifi dgn rakusnya.hahaha. Wifi hanya ada di lobby je ye tapi jgn risauuu laju gila dan beronline la korang smpi kematu punggung tu. Siap sedia 2 biji PC lagi kt lobby. hehe. Dlm bilik cuma ada kabel, so klu korang bawa laptop okla boleh online dari bilik aje.
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Shuttle service from 360xpress Hotel to SCV, Damai & Semenggok Wildlife Centre |
Tepat 10.15am, shuttle van pun mai angkut kami beramai-ramai. hehe. Service ni aku pasti diorg sub kan pada org sbb penumpang dlm tu bukan semua dari hotel 360. So, please make sure korg book shuttle awal-awal ok takut van penuh dgn org kang nganga je tinggal sorang-sorang.hehe. Perjalanan dari hotel to SCV lbh kurang 45min. Agak jauh jgk dgn jalan dan keadaan van yg tak berapa nak best.haha. Melambung2 aku dibuatnya.
ok, sambung nnti next entry aku cerita pasal SCV pulak!tadaaaaaaaaa !!
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